Let's Space It. Carlos Pedalino

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read
Let's Space It. Carlos Pedalino

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Space is arguably both finite and infinite while the universe is expanding, and this evokes ambition, excitement and puzzlement in humans. Out of which space technology, designed for space exploration, is born. Thus, it is even more interesting to learn the life stories of people behind innovation and technological development.

In this series of articles, we are introducing our colleagues behind ReOrbit technology. What brought them to the industry, their journeys towards humanity's ongoing expansion across the final frontier, lessons learnt and things they’d create if there were no technological limitations.

Meet Carlos Pedalino, VP of Product and Head of LATAM Business at ReOrbit, whose 23-year long career in the space industry takes roots in his family's connection to aeronautics. Carlos has managed multiple engineering teams across the globe, braved turmoil in the face of change, yet one thing which is unchanging is his belief that every day is a good day to smile. Here is his story.

Why did you choose space

It runs in the family. There has always been a connection to the aeronautical field, in some way. My grandfather, for example, owned a repair station for small aircrafts used for fumigation of crops in rural areas.

Unavoidably, I grew up among planes which consequently led me to aeronautical engineering. Space has always interested me, and as a kid, I used to observe the moon and the stars with a telescope. But it wasn’t until my last year at university, when I started doing structural analysis for small satellites, that I realized I would like to explore the space industry more.

You started your career as

Structural Analysist. Next, I worked as a mechanical system architect. Later, I undertook managerial roles and expanded responsibilities, covering everything from calculations and moving parts up to a satellite launch. Together with my family, we moved around quite a bit, and I had a fantastic experience managing tech teams in Germany and Spain. Over the course of those changes and due to some uncertainty, that such career turns might entail, we came to the realization that the best way forward for us would be to come back to our home country, Argentina. Hence, we returned, and, since 2021, I have been working at ReOrbit. The company story and its mission enticed me, and I couldn’t resist joining such an inspiring endeavour!

Your most memorable memory so far

I’d split my answer in two parts. Definitely, it is the first launch. When a project is done, you can enjoy the achievement as a result of your hard work, together with your colleagues. This rewarding and motivating experience enables a stronger work relationship, which is invaluable.

Secondly, teams themselves. When all the team members work seamlessly and comfortably together – just like we do at ReOrbit – it becomes the cherry on the cake. Everything falls into place as a jigsaw: interesting projects, right mindset, great work culture. What we have today at ReOrbit is surprising to me, because, in fact, it is unique. Here is the thing: satellite launches are very powerful yet very brief moments in time that pass by too quickly, whereas stable comfortable workplace constantly gives you professional and personal fulfilment.

Your most valuable lesson so far

How to manage a team. I had a wonderful opportunity to witness cultural differences and how they manifest into different styles of management. I feel it let me incorporate a blend of both Argentinian (South American) and German (European) approaches. This helps me embrace not only the technical side, but also the human side of management.

What nobody prepared you for

Looking back, I realize that one needs to find a way on their own. There is no guarantee for a tutor or a mentor to be around and help you navigate difficult passages of your career development. I’ve learnt most of the things myself and created a lot from scratch. And I’m proud of it.

Imagine there are no technological limitations, what do you wish you could design/create in the space sector

A spacecraft, which doesn’t even need to go into deep space – I would be more than happy with observing the Earth. That said, it is not about technological limitations; rather, it’s about financial restrictions, isn’t it?